An Interview with Beard of Darkness

I was thrilled to have the chance to chat with Beard of Darkness, a book reviewer and aspiring author who shares my passion for fantasy and sci-fi stories. It’s always great to connect with like-minded book nerds!

We bonded over some of the fantasy greats who inspired us early on, like Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time series. I also shared my appreciation for the magical worlds crafted by Brandon Sanderson. Reading masters like these as a young man really sparked my lifelong love of fantasy literature.

Of course, as we discussed, actually being an author is far from easy! We both commiserated over the difficulty of just starting the writing process. I often struggle with those unsure first chapters and finding the right way into a new story, and I offered him some advice on how to push through those messy first drafts, get words on the page, and try to silence the inner critic.

Something we both agreed on was the importance of support while working toward the author dream. I don't know where I'd be without my wonderful wife, who is my biggest cheerleader through it all. Having fellow authors to connect with is also invaluable. They truly understand the highs and lows of writing in a way others may not.

Hearing his excitement about the stories I have underway made me feel eager to dive back into my own fantasy worldbuilding. I left our conversation feeling creatively inspired and determined to make 2023 my most prolific year yet!

Jim Wilbourne
Creative: Authoring Tall Tales & Crafting Compelling Soundscapes

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