Upcoming Release: The Advent of Winter Anthology

I’m thrilled to share something truly magical with you today!

I’m part of an upcoming winter-themed fantasy anthology called "The Advent of Winter," a collection brimming with enchanting tales that explore the myriad facets of this frost-kissed season.

I’ve included a promo video here that will give you a tantalizing glimpse into the wintry worlds we’ve crafted.

"The Advent of Winter" unites twenty-four self-published authors, including myself, each of us weaving a unique tale to fill your December days with a mix of joy, beauty, danger, and horror.

Imagine, each morning, a new story delivered to your inbox like a magical gift, creating an Indie Advent Calendar to count down the days until Christmas in 2023!

My contribution to this anthology is a piece called "Rite of the Tundra," set in the rich, fantastical world of Continua—yes, the same world where "The Seventh Cadence" unfolds.

In this tale, young Remi ventures into The Frozen Waste, embarking on a sacred rite of passage to prove his mettle. With Lucien, a veteran hunter, as his guide, Remi faces the wilderness’s perilous embrace, engages in a sacred burial, and attempts to outsmart elusive prey in a ceremonial hunt. It’s a journey of courage, determination, and wisdom in Continua’s icy heart.

Interested? You can follow this unique project on Kickstarter! By doing so, you’ll be notified as soon as it launches.

If we successfully fund this anthology, you'll receive a story each day from December 1st to 24th, culminating in a published anthology, both digital and physical, in January(ish) 2024, containing all twenty-four stories.

I’m so excited to bring you "Rite of the Tundra," and I truly hope "The Advent of Winter" adds a sprinkle of magic and a touch of wonder to your festive season. I can’t wait to hear what you think about this magical anthology!

Jim Wilbourne
Creative: Authoring Tall Tales & Crafting Compelling Soundscapes

Interview with Between the Reads Podcast — Exploring The Seventh Cadence


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