Goes Social!

I launched a few months back and I’ve been slowly building up the content available for the site. I’m still in stage 1, but I’m upgrading to 1.4 today. now has three social media outlits: Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+.

Follow them if you’d like to receive creative inspiration to your favorite streams!

These social pages share new and great goodies from, and also curate the best content on creativity from around the web.

My goal is to make sure you have more creative inspiration than you know what to do with.

Your cup (well?) runneth over!

Why Facebook?

Why not? It’s the world’s largest social network.

If I didn’t make a facebook page, I would have regretted it. And someone would have asked why there wasn’t one.

If you don’t like facebook, I understand. That’s why I made more than one option for you!


Why Pinterest?

Because Pinterest is just plain cool. It’s possibly one of the best platforms for’s social network objectives: to curate the best creative inspiration for you!

If you don’t have a Pinterest account, sign up and make Your Creative Well the first board you follow!

Don’t like Pinterest? Well, there’s two other ways to connect!


Why Google+?

Isn’t Google+ dead?

No! It’s not! Yes, it’s the 5th most popular social media website in the world (and therefore “dead”), but the community there is excellent for

Fairly, I’m a bit of a Google+ fanboy, but I wouldn’t waste my time with the platform if I didn’t think it was a good fit.

If you use Google+, you’ll definitely want follow the Your Creative Well collection.

If you don’t like Google+, I made two other places, so it’s okay!


Wait! What About Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr?

I can’t spread myself too thin here! Give me some time. If I find the extra resources to expand, I will.

For now, you can follow my personal account on twitter. I place a lot of the same content there.

LinkedIn isn’t my cup of coffee, but who knows? Maybe I’ll get it up and running soon.

I haven’t used Tumblr in ages, but I know it’s still alive and well. In time, I hope to move there as too.

Every other platform? I’m taking it a step at a time, but I do hope the ones I’ve started with are places you already have an account.


How Can I Make It Known Where I Want YourCreativeWell?

Leave a comment below and I’ll look into it!


What About You?

If you love the information and advice I provide with, you’re going to love the Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+ outlets! In a way, they’re their own unique place!

And feel free to leave a comment below if you want to see Your Creative Well on your favorite social network.


Jim Wilbourne
Creative: Authoring Tall Tales & Crafting Compelling Soundscapes

Development Diary #13: In The Rough


Overcoming Stage Fright