A Review: Nest by Terry Goodkind


I read a few thrillers every year. Nest by Terry Goodkind made it onto my pile because I’d started re-reading the Sword of Truth Series, and I figured I might as well give it a try.


The story revolves around Kate Bishop and Jake Raines. After a thrilling start to the story, Kate finds herself in a battle against evil when she discovers that she can tell a cold-blooded killer by looking into their eyes.


Kate is capable and has a lot of the characteristics I like in my heroines. Jake is similar—perhaps a little too similar in personality—but also very likable.

The “magic system” behind the story was cool—perhaps even better in execution than when described. But the ideas that the characters had about good and evil (and their origins) made them feel like they had tunnel vision. To be fair, the bad guys were the “pure evil” brand of bad guy. So that tunnel vision works a bit. It’s only when you extrapolate it to our world that it begins to break down.

I also felt that the story was a bit too repetitive, and kind of assumed I wouldn’t understand each point the author wanted to make without chapters of dialogue. I often found myself thinking: “I get it! Get on with it already!”

Since my reading, Goodkind has released another story that takes place in this world. Despite my problems with the story, it was extremely difficult to put down. Goodkind has mastered that part of writing a thriller novel, and if he manages to trim down on the unneeded explanations, I think I’d really love reading more of it.

Side note: I fear I will be labeled as a hater because of how scathing book reviews were vilified in this story.

Jim Wilbourne
Creative: Authoring Tall Tales & Crafting Compelling Soundscapes

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